Friday, January 18, 2008

yo I like yo la tengo

Last night yo la tengo played in nashville at the belcourt, a lovely theatre. The show was amazing and a joy to behold. I recommend going to see them when ever there is a chance. Also I recommend when in nashville you go to prince's hot chicken shack, as ylt do.

I was not able to record the show, sorry. However there was a film crew there and it looks like a dvd will get put out at some point, but who really knows. I do have a consolation for you reader.

Every April WFMU has a pledge drive for their station and every year ylt performs songs on request. You can request any song seriously, they'll play it. They'll attempt it and it'll only cost you 100 dollars. It goes to a great cause though upkeep for the greatest radio station in the world WFMU. I happened to be listening and I recorded the whole show.

This is the finale of their on-air performance where they usually do a medley to round down all the requests. As a bonus I've thrown my 2 other favorite songs from this years requests.

yo la tengo - ice cream (modern lovers)

yo la tengo - outdoor miner(wire)

Keep in mind this last one is 10 minutes long. Using love will tear us apart by Joy Division ylt go through I don't know how many songs... to name a few: Frank Sinatra - That’s Life; Bee Gees - Night Fever; Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night; Joey Scarbury - Believe It Or Not I’m Walking on Air (“The Greatest American Hero” theme song); Van Morrison – Madame George; Queen - Another One Bites The Dust; David Bowie – Starman; White Stripes – For The Love of Ivy. So yeah, enjoy.

Yo La Tengo - Love Will Tear Us Apart Medley

If you haven't yet go check out WFMU's amazing blog and tune in to the station. The best show on WFMU comes highly recommended. Cheers.

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